Episode Three

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On Episode Three: Alex Grudem, Amy Nickerson, Sleeping at Last, Lucas Lee’s water and Nellie Salter.

Question of the Episode: What technology would you get rid of? Let us know in the comments. Or start a group poem there.

An Interactive Guide to the Podcast

Alex alludes to Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, featuring Les Assassins des Fauteuils Rollents.

And James wants to be Frodo.

Don’t even ask why James and Alex were singing the Doctor Who theme song.


No James, for the record, in the show notes (where it really counts), Matt did not call him Alice Grudem.

Apologies to those who desperately wanted the issue of the week: here’s a video to cheer you up.

All future issues of the week can be found here with the lost episode.

Apple’s announcement about its podcast subscriptions – over 1 billion.

The Hodgepodge

Matt wishes he was a combination of Ira Glass and Barbara Walters.

Our podcast poem (feel free to start your own in the comments below):

Nine wheelchair riders awoke;

The flying squirrels abstractly spoke.

Some dramatic background music to listen to me read that back.

Interested in reading poetry in community: here’s how to get started.

James’s silent chair.

Rod Wilson, this is the recording studio I want in the atrium.

The blog that is not Amy’s blog. Amy’s actual blog, Days Like These Ones.

James’s suggestion of Matt’s romantic French song.

Alex’s recommendations of poets to read: Dante, Milton, Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert.

Alex’s recommendations of who to read to get into poetry: Pablo Neruda, Billy Collins, Rainer Maria Rilka.

The really really weird poet: James Tate.

Matt’s recommendation of what to read to get into poetry: King James Version.

And who Matt wishes he could get into: TS Eliot (Alex recommends Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats as an entry point).

The titles of Amy’s poems: “Connection?” and “Putting on Christ.”

“Connection?” was inspired by the Boat Course (aka Technology, Wilderness and Creation).

The titles of Alex’s poems: “Matthew 4:19”, “John 11:17 or On Listening to the BBC at 11:17”, “The Death of Love.”

The Good, the True, and the Beautiful

Amy’s choice: Yes, that’s right, Hashtag Atrium.

But no, there is not yet any review on iTunes. Come on Amy.

James’s choice: Sleeping at Last

The logic this week: Les Miserables –> miserable people without parks in cities –> Parks and Recreation –> after a day at the park, you need a rest –> Sleeping at Last.

Matt’s choice: Lucas Lee’s (a person, not a brand) bottled water.

The water story is true: it was a crisis. What wasn’t true is that I was 7 or 8. I was actually 9.

Formula: Take filtered [Vancouver] water, refrigerate in Howe’s Sound beer bottle (now beerless).

Just in case you missed it: Alex came back at some point in this segment.

The Random Guest

The lucky winner this week. Nellie Salter also spelled Nellie Psalter from Summerland (yes, such a place exists).

Can you believe it? Nellie called THIS a menace to society.

The question: If you could get rid of one technology in the world, what would it be and why?

Nellie’s choice: Nuclear weapons and 3G connectivity.

Matt’s choice: Nuclear weapons (he claims to have chosen it first).

James’s choice: Cell phones.

This stat from the James Smoker Institute for Cellular Study: 82% of children get lost without cell phones.

Fanmail can be sent to hashtagatrium (at) gmail (dot) com. You can also email us if you want to hear the story about the bus (PS: it’s not that good).

Twitter links: @matttimms@jamesgsmoker@hashtagatrium.

Join the conversation by tweeting, ‘booking (on public settings), or ‘gramming with #atriumpod. Or leave a comment below answering this episode’s question.