Season 2, Episode 2

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On Season 2, Episode 2: Matt’s Makeover, Seth Anderson, Gungor’s I Am Mountain, Dinner Parties, Maria Bitterli and ANOTHER giveaway.

Question of the Episode: If you were a musical instrument, which instrument would you be and why?


Yes, we tend to make decisions, apply them and then announce them later.

What James meant to say: We are the BBC of podcasting, not the Sherlock of BBC podcasting.


Announcement 1: Hashtag Atrium’s Facebook Page – go ahead and like us over there. Please?

Announcement 2: Matt has a new look.

Special guests: Abigail Harmon and Hashtag Atrium Special Correspondent Caroline Crawford (with makeover credit also to Lucas Lee)

And then began a long discussion about how Matt looks which, of course, on a podcast, means nothing. You can see a sample  of the new look here.

She’s All That. This is apparently what happened. With this as the soundtrack. Or this.

The Hodgepodge

Seth’s old band: Coincidence Maybe. You can follow them on Twitter, Facebook and buy their music on iTunes.

Unfortunately we were not able to locate Seth’s Xanga. Sorry ladies.

Special thanks to David and Pam Timms for being Matt’s #1 readers of his blog.

Coincidence Maybe’s last show is coming up. You can see their calendar here (and go to their last show).

Seth will be scoring Ross Kelly’s documentary. See the Kickstarter page for links to all things Nimule.

Alanis Morisette’s Ironic.

Seth is involved in leading worship at Immanuel Church. You can visit Immanuel at 10:30am on Sundays.

The Good, the True and the Beautiful

My Heart Will Go On in midi. You’re welcome world.

The path to James’s pick:

  • Part 1: the used book shelf (in Regent’s library) –> Shelf as storage unit –> Storage Wars –> War –> Guns are used in war and produce gore –> Gungor
  • Part 2: Used book shelf –> Books –> Paper –> Wood –> Trees –> Forests –> which live on the mountains.
  • Part 3: Used book shelf –> Theology –> God –> “I am”

James’s Good, True and Beautiful: I Am Mountain by Gungor.

You can listen to the title song here.

Matt’s Good, True and Beautiful: A Really Well-hosted Dinner Party (with special shoutout to Dave and Michelle Redfern).

Need some tips on how to host a dinner party? Here you go.

The Random Guest

Our random guest on this episode was Maria Bitterli.

Great debate exists over where Maria is from. Suggestions: Namibia, Sweden, Switzerland (specifically Basel, where Maria left her heart).

Hashtag Atrium officially denies anything you may have heard about Matt leaving the podcast.

For Swiss-style fondu, remember JUST bread and cheese and garlic.

Asterix in Switzerland brought stricter rules to the game of fondu-eating including corporal punishment (see pages 19-20).

The Question of the Episode: If you were a musical instrument, which instrument would you be and why?

Maria’s answer: Flute (wooden flute). Or maybe a violin.

James’s answer: Violin as well. With the transition to a fiddle.

Matt’s answer: Two options: An oboe. Or a harmonica.

Then Maria and James started talking about Peter and the Wolf.

The Giveaway

The winners of our recent giveaway (who have already received their prize and are “thrilled” about them): Dave Redfern and Paul Gutacker (one of the stars on Season 2, Episode 1).

Our next giveaway. A signed and bound transcript from Season 2, Episode 1 – the full, unedited discussion between Hashtag Atrium and Paul Gutacker and Ryan Kelly.

How do I enter? Just answer the question of the episode in the comments below: If you were a musical instrument, which instrument would you be and why?

Twitter links: @matttimms@jamesgsmoker@hashtagatrium.

Join the conversation by tweeting, ‘booking (on public settings), or ‘gramming with #atriumpod. Or leave a comment below answering this episode’s question.