Episode 8 (Richard Wu)

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On Episode 8:  Richard Wu, Multiculturalism, Indian Cuisine, Noughts and Exes, Flannery O’Connor, Vintage Leotards, Public Transit, Josh Cunnigham, and a Dating Game. Yes, a jam-packed episode.

Question of the Episode: If you could see the world through the lens of any one color, which one would you pick? (Let us know in the comments below!)

An Interactive Guide to the Podcast

The Hodgepodge

Richard’s life has a strong international flair: Born in New York, moved and grew up in Hong Kong, school in the US (at Wheaton), back to Hong Kong, now in Vancouver.

Richard raised the issue of Vancouver not being a “settled” city (people are from other places): statistics back that up.

Editor’s Note: Matt, several times throughout the episode, used the word “race” as essentially synonymous with “culture.” This is an unhelpful conflation of two distinct ideas.

Interesting to note that in the discussion of culture in the Church you hear a lot more lauding of multiculturalism and not as much emphasis on submission and giving up of power as a key dynamic which Richard helpfully highlights.

The Good, the True and the Beautiful

What is JJ Bean? Definitely not J Crew, James. But neither do they sell furniture.

Roundtable style on this episode:

  • James’s pick (via fog –> London Fog –> Dairy –> Yogurt –> Indian Cuisine): Indian Cuisine. You can find a number of different Indian recipes here (and any other place that gets turned up by a simple Google search).
  • Richard’s pick: Hong Kong-based band Noughts and Exes. You can see their video for their song Hearts here and listen to some of their other music here.
  •  Abigail’s pick: Flannery O’Connor’s recently released prayer journal.
  • Caroline’s pick: A vintage leotard that could be worn as a peplum top. We couldn’t find a good image for vintage leotard, but here’s all you need to know about peplum tops.
  • Matt’s pick: Public transit. Translink, how he misses you.

The Random Guest

Josh Cunningham returns after his fake debut on the Lost Episode.

We talked about Matt’s makeover on Season 2, Episode 2.

Josh’s jobs: Measurer (bridal store), Carpenter, Painter, Sheetrocker, Chef, Photographer, Gardener/Landscaper, Audio/Visual Tech, Movie Extra, Sound Guy for a Film.

Question of the episode: What color would you want the world to be?

Josh’s pick: Green, particularly Hunter Green aka the green used on the car from the movie Bullitt.

James’s pick: Sepia. How to pronounce it.

Matt’s pick: Blue. Maybe eggshell blue.

Bonus Segment: The Dating Game

We’re just going to let you listen to this bonus segment. And yes, we know it’s not January 2014 anymore, but, hey, we’re still in time for Valentine’s Day.

Also, if you’re an eligible woman and answered all of these questions correctly (particularly if you correctly picked Matt’s favorite love song), do feel free to contact us on Twitter, Facebook, or email (hashtagatrium@gmail.com).

Music on the Podcast

Since it is Valentine’s Day this week, here’s some love-themed (and broken-heart-themed) songs that we used in the episode:

Twitter links: @matttimms@jamesgsmoker@hashtagatrium.

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