Hashtag Atrium’s Christmas Live Show

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On December 2, 2013, Hashtag Atrium took over the Regent College atrium to record this special episode in front of a live audience. It comes to your ears (mostly) unedited. Merry Christmas!

On this episode: Carolers, Enoch Daniel, Special guests Alex and Molly Fogleman, Christmas-themed Good, True and Beautiful with Dave Redfern, and Mrs. Sandi Smoker (James’s mom!).

This episode’s question: If you were a Christmas elf in Santa’s workshop, what would be your responsibility and why?

Your Interactive Guide to the Episode

Here’s a picture of our wonderful carolers that James took (left to right: Seth, Kevin, Maria, Sarah, Caroline, Abigail, and Kim).

Many other radio shows/podcasts do live shows. If you’re interested in seeing (much more impressive) examples, here’s one of Matt’s favorites.

The Regent College atrium in all its Christmas splendor.

Note to the listener: James does not particularly like basketball. Such a tragedy.

“In the beginning” is a reference to Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1.


Back in Season 2, Episode 2, we promised (and have yet to deliver – but will!) a transcript of the full Polar Christian Studies conversation to a person who left a comment here, on the blog. The winner: Luci Shaw award winning author, Caroline Crawford! (Go to the show notes of that episode to see her comment.)

Many thanks to Frankie Ellis for fixing the lights!

The Hodgepodge

Our wonderful special guests: Alex and Molly Fogleman.

The version of Hark the Herald Angels that they did was the arrangement by Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors.

Where Matt first heard Alex and Molly.

If you are wondering how people could hate Christmas, go ahead, just google “I hate Christmas” and marvel.

Alex went on the record as saying “I’m fine with Christmas music.”

Favorite Christmas traditions:

  • Molly: Christmas at grandmother’s house with a Chik-Fil-A platter in Charleston, South Carolina.
  • Alex: Sitting at the kids table at family get togethers.
  • James: The Christmas tree and the smell of pine permeating the house. Don’t want the tree, but want the smell? Here you go.
  • Matt: Waking up early on Christmas morning and watching Muppet Christmas Carol.

Alex and Molly’s last song: Sleeping at Last’s Snow (lyrics here).

The Good, the True and the Beautiful

We had a special guest co-host for this segment: Dave Redfern, the winner of A Girl Named Zippy.

The choices:

  • Dave: “The greatest Christmas film of all time, It’s A Wonderful Life.” Hashtag Atrium is officially joining Paramount in the fight against a sequel (use #georgebaileydoesntneedasequel to join the movement).
  • James: Christmas lights (listen to the podcast for the amazing link).
  • Matt: Decorated neighborhoods (like this one) AND negotiating the present opening time for Christmas morning. Apparently other people care about this too.

Here’s the Vatican’s best films list that Dave mentioned (yes, It’s A Wonderful Life is on there under “Values”).

Enoch Daniel

Enoch is from New Delhi.

He’s only been playing piano for 12 years.

The piece he played: Sing We Now of Christmas.

The Random Guest

The Random Guest (to our great surprise and resulting in podcast magic) was Sandi Smoker, James’s mother.

This episode’s question: If you were a Christmas elf in Santa’s workshop, what would be your responsibility and why?

Sandi’s answer: She would be the encouragement elf, making sure everyone was doing okay and providing prayer support. (This prompted Matt to inquire about the North Pole’s religious affiliation.)

James’s answer: James would be working Master Control of Santa’s Workshop, any place where he can be pulling the levers and pressing the buttons.

Matt’s answer: How Matt envisions himself working in the workshop. James suggested Matt would be more like this.

You can answer the question yourself on our Facebook page or here in the comments below.

The carolers started to dissolve with too much Christmas cheer when they were demanding figgy pudding, but we love them for it.

Season 2, Episode 3

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On Season 2, Episode 3: Mia Kafieris on Disney movies, October Fog, Seeing Gravity and Daniel Branch.

Question of the Episode: If you could inhabit any world that is depicted in any Disney movie, which one would you pick? (Let us know in the comments below!)


An Affair to Remember – Matt recommends it. But he cannot recommend The Truman Show since he hasn’t seen it.

And then the French-Italian Daniel Branch entered the building.

Just a reminder: All it takes to become a top Hashtag Atrium fan is to leave a review on iTunes.

The Hodgepodge

Mia is from Melbourne (or Geelong), Australia and is a world-leading expert on the intersection of Christianity and Disney (according to Hashtag Atrium, and this google search which didn’t turn up any other people).

Mia knows what she’s talking about when she mentions a Disney Revival – there’s a whole wikipedia page about it.

The major hits of the ’90s Disney revival: Little Mermaid (1989), Rescuers Down Under (1990), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), The Lion King (1994), Pocahontas (1995), Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Hercules (1997), Mulan (1998), Tarzan (1999).

Mufasa = Darth Vader?

You can follow Alan Menken, the Disney musical genius, on Twitter here.

Mia suggests that Brave ought to put the feminist anti-Disney discussion to rest. For further reading on Brave and the feminist discussion, you can see here.

Opening scene of Hunchback of Notre Dame featuring the magic carpet, Belle and Pumbaa.

Home on the Range’s “Will the Sun Ever Shine Again?”

The scene from the Jungle Book that was originally supposed to feature the Beatles.

Join us in encouraging Mia to write more about Disney – comment here or on the Hashtag Atrium facebook page: we’ll make sure she hears about it!

The Good, the True and the Beautiful

James’s pathway: Gungor’s “I Am Mountain” (currently available for download) –> Mt. Sinai and God –> Clouds –> October Fog

It’s not Vancouver fog, but these are  some amazing pictures.

Matt’s pick: The experience of seeing Gravity in theaters.

Here’s someone else arguing why you ought to see the film in theaters.

The Random Guest

Yes! Daniel came back in order to join us as the random guest.

Daniel is from a bunch of places, too many for this lazy show notes writer to link to.

Thanks to RCSA for sponsoring the new students BBQ that allowed Matt and Daniel to meet.

The Question of the Episode: If you could inhabit any world that is depicted in any Disney movie, which one would you pick?

Daniel’s answer: Pocahontas’s world in which he would be an anthropomorphic hummingbird.

James’s answer: The Hundred Acre Wood.

Matt’s answer: Beauty and the Beast’s small provincial town.

Twitter links: @matttimms@jamesgsmoker@hashtagatrium.

Facebook page: facebook.com/hashtagatrium

Join the conversation by tweeting, ‘booking (on public settings), or ‘gramming with #atriumpod. Or leave a comment below answering this episode’s question.