Season 2, Episode 1 (aka Episode Four)

That’s right, faithful listeners, you may call us the BBC of Podcasting. After a three-episode summer season, we’re launching with a bang into season two. This might be the episode that Matt is proudest of, but we’ll see what you think.

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On Season 2, Episode 1: Polar Christian Studies with Paul Gutacker and Ryan Kelley, Used Books, Sacred Streets, Esther Alloway, and a giveaway!

Question of the Episode: Where in the world would you like to explore?


Don’t you love how stilted that scripted intro was? Keep listening, the episode gets better, I promise.

The Hodgepodge

You can find Paul Gutacker on Twitter here.

Paul’s self-description: “A bear eating a penguin on the back of a narwhal.” I tried to find a link for that, but couldn’t find a good match.

The pivotal class: Six-Continent Christianity taught by Mark Noll. You could get audio of a previous teaching of the course by Andrew Walls here.

As Paul says, you can’t find scholarship on Polar Christianity. Compare to African Christianity. Simply shocking.

We weren’t able to get into the scientific differences between the poles, so here’s some background for those unfamiliar with our global extremities.

You can find Paul’s colleague Ryan Kelley here.

Special thanks to Caroline Crawford for assisting us with this episode. If you feel like you didn’t hear enough of her voice, you can hear more of her on Episode Two.

Note that at this point, neither Mr. Gutacker nor Mr. Kelley have informed Hashtag Atrium of the date of the upcoming prolegomena conference.

Ryan’s description of the current state of Polar Christian Studies.

Things started off civil, but quickly descended into this.

Bonus question for listeners/show note readers: are you a northist or a southist? Or are the labels even relevant? Weigh in in the comments below.

An image from the time Paul visited the pole.

Hashtag Atrium is a family-friendly production and does not recommend actually looking up the definition of a pole dancer.

Mr. Kelley’s upcoming book: Whose Pole Is It? Yours, Mine Ours: Not Your Mother’s Pole.

The Good, the True and the Beautiful

The serial linkage this week from James: Sleeping at Last –> Their album “Storyboards” –> Stories –> Books –> Libraries –> the library at Regent College –> the used bookshelf at the Regent College library.

James’s recent finds: A Stone for a PIllow, The Descent of the Dove.

Contact us at hashtagatrium(at)gmail(dot)com for sponsorship possibilities.

Matt’s pick: Sacred Streets from Jason Leith. If you check out any of the links, this is the one worth clicking over to.

The Christianity Today article about Sacred Streets.

The Random Guest

We were so happy to have Esther Alloway join us for this segment.

Our answers to where we would like to explore:

Esther: The Mediterranean

James: The Prairies

Matt: The Pacific Northwest

Our new spinoff podcast: Hashtag Atrium: Explorer Edition

We weren’t the first ones to bring up the idea that Facebook ruins RSVPing.


You can go here to open up iTunes and leave a review. We know you want a chance to win one of our prizes (a signed copy of this or this).

Twitter links: @matttimms@jamesgsmoker@hashtagatrium.

Join the conversation by tweeting, ‘booking (on public settings), or ‘gramming with #atriumpod. Or leave a comment below answering this episode’s question.